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Важнейшие публикации (с 1979) по данным ISI, Web of Science к январю 2010 процитированы более 2500 раз:
Sun SS, Nesbitt RW, Sharaskin AY (1979) Geochemical Characteristics of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts. Earth Plan. Sci. Lett. 44, 119-138.
- Дмитриев Л.В. и др. (1979) Условия формирования первичного расплава океанских толеитов и вариации его состава. Геохимия, 2, с. 163-178.
- Dmitriev, L. V., Sobolev, A. V., Uchanov, A. V., Malysheva, T. V. & Melson, W. G. (1984) Primary Differences in Oxygen Fugacity and Depth of Melting in the Mantle Source Regions for Oceanic Basalts. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 70, 303-310.
- Сущевская Н.М. и др. (1983) Петрохимический критерий классификации закалочных стекол океанских толеитов. ДАН СССР, 268, 1475-1477.
- Bougault H, Dmitriev L, et al. (1988) Mantle Heterogeneity from Trace-Elements - Mar Triple Junction near 14-Degrees-N. Earth Plan. Sci. Lett. 88, 27-36.
- Sobolev, A. V., Danyushevsky, L. V., Dmitriev, L. V. & Sushchevskaya, N. M. (1988) High-Alumina Magnesium Tholeiite as One of Primary Melts of Basalts of the Mid-Oceanic Ridges. Geokhimiya 1522-1528.
- Staudacher T …Dmitriev LV (1989) Noble-Gases in Basalt Glasses from a Mid-Atlantic Ridge Topographic High at 14-Degrees-N – Geodynamic Consequences. Earth Plan. Sci. Lett. 96, 119-133.
- Bienvenu, P., Bougault, H., Joron, J. L., Treuil, M. & Dmitriev, L. (1990) Morb Alteration - Rare-Earth Element Non-Rare-Earth Hygromagmaphile Element Fractionation. Chemical Geology 82, 1-14.
- Sobolev AV, Shimizu N (1993) Ultra-Depleted Primary Melt Included in an Olivine from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Nature 363, 151-154. pdf
- Bougault H, …Dmitriev L, Silantiev S. (1993) Fast and Slow-Spreading Ridges - Structure and Hydrothermal Activity, Ultramafic Topographic Highs, and CH4 Output. J. Geoph. Res-Solid Earth 98, 9643-9651.
- Bonatti E, Seyler M, Sushevskaya N (1993) A Cold Suboceanic Mantle Belt at the Earths Equator. Science 261, 315-320.
- Sobolev AV, Danyushevsky LV (1994) Petrology and Geochemistry of Boninites from the N.Termination of the Tonga Trench-Constraints on the Generation Conditions of Primary High-Ca Boninite Magmas. J.Petrology 35, 1183-1211. pdf
- Gurenko AA, Chaussidon M (1995) Enriched and Depleted Primitive Melts Included in Olivine from Icelandic Tholeiites - Origin by Continuous Melting of a Single Mantle Column. Geoch.Cosmoch. Acta 59, 2905-2917.
- Соболев А.В. (1996) Включения расплавов в минералах как источник принципиальной петрологической информации. Петрология, 4, № 3, 228-239. pdf RUS+ENG
- Sobolev AV, Chaussidon M (1996) H2O concentrations in primary melts from supra-subduction zones and mid-ocean ridges: Implications for H2O storage and recycling in the mantle. Earth Plan. Sci. Lett. 137, 45-55. pdf
- Дмитриев Л.В. (1998) Вариации состава базальтов срединно-океанических хребтов как функция геодинамической обстановки их формирования.Петрология, 6, № 4, 340-362.
- Batanova VG, Suhr G, Sobolev AV (1998) Origin of geochemical heterogeneity in the mantle peridotites from the Bay of Islands ophiolite, Newfoundland, Canada: Ion probe study of clinopyroxenes. Geoch. Cosmoch. Acta 62, 853-866. pdf
- Batanova, V. G. & Sobolev, A. V. (2000). Compositional heterogeneity in subduction-related mantle peridotites, Troodos massif, Cyprus. Geology 28, 55-58. pdf
- Sobolev AV et al. (2000) Recycled ocean crust observed in 'ghost plagioclase' within the source of Mauna Loa lavas. Nature 404, 986-990. pdf
- Silantyev S et al. (2000) Geodynamic setting of the high-grade amphibolites and associated igneous rocks from the accretionary complex of Povorotny Cape, Taiganos Peninsula, northeastern Russia. Tectonophysics 325, 107-132.
- Базылев Б.А., Силантьев С.А. (2000) Геодинамическая интерпретация субсолидусной перекристаллизации мантийных шпинелевых перидотитов: 1. Срединно-океанические хребты. Петрология, 8, № 3, 227-240.
- Buchl, A., Brugmann, G. E., Batanova, V. G., Hofmann, A. W. (2004). Os mobilization during melt percolation: The evolution of Os isotope heterogeneities in the mantle sequence of the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 68, 3397-3408. pdf
- Kamenetsky, M. B., Sobolev, A. V., Kamenetsky, V. S. et al., (2004). Kimberlite melts rich in alkali chlorides and carbonates: A potent metasomatic agent in the mantle. Geology 32, 845-848.
- Sobolev AV et al. (2005) An olivine-free mantle source of Hawaiian shield basalts. Nature 434, 590-597. pdf
- Batanova VG , ..., Ariskin, A.A., ..., Sobolev, A.V. (2005) Crustal evolution of island-arc ultramafic magma: Galmoenan pyroxenite-dunite plutonic complex, Koryak highland (far east Russia). J. Petrology 46, 1345-1366. pdf
- Krivolutskaya, N. A., Sobolev, A. V., Mikhailov, V. N. & Roshchina, I. A.(2005) New data on the formational affiliation of picritic basalts of the Norilsk district. Doklady Earth Sciences 402, 542-546.
- Zakariadze GS et al. (2007) Geochemistry and geochronology of the Neoproterozoic Pan-African Transcaucasian Massif (Republic of Georgia) and implications for island arc evolution of the late Precambrian Arabian-Nubian Shield. Gondwana Research 11, 92-108.
- Portnyagin M, Hoernle, K., Plechov, P., Mironov, N. & Khubunaya, S. (2007) Constraints on mantle melting and composition and nature of slab components in volcanic arcs from volatiles (H2O, S, Cl, F) and trace elements in melt inclusions from the Kamchatka Arc. Earth Plan. Sci. Lett. 255, 53-69. pdf
- Sobolev AV, ..., Krivolutskaya, N. A., ..., Sushchevskaya, N. M. et al., (2007) The amount of recycled crust in sources of mantle-derived melts. Science 316, 412-417pdf
- Portnyagin, M., et al, (2008). Experimental evidence for rapid water exchange between melt inclusions in olivine and host magma. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 272, 541-552. pdf
- Portnyagin, M., et al., (2008). Mid-Cretaceous Hawaiian tholeiites preserved in Kamchatka. Geology 36, 903-906. pdf
- Sobolev, A. V.,… Batanova, V.G. et al, (2008). A quantitative link between recycling and osmium isotopes. Science 321, 536-536. pdf
- Соболев А.В., Криволуцкая Н.А., Кузьмин Д.В., (2009) Петрология родоначальных расплавов и мантийных источников магм сибирской трапповой провинции. Петрология. Т. 17 № 3, c.276-310. pdf RUS+ENG
- Соболев А.В., и др., (2009) Механизм образования Сибирских меймечитов и природа их связи с траппами и кимберлитами. Геология и геофизика. т. 50. № 12. с. 1291–1330. pdf RUS+ENG
- Portnyagin, M., Hoernle, K. & Savelyev, D. (2009). Ultra-depleted melts from Kamchatkan ophiolites: Evidence for the interaction of the Hawaiian plume with an oceanic spreading center in the Cretaceous? Earth and Planetary Science Letters 287, 194-204. pdf
С.А. Силантьев
"Метаморфические породы дна Атлантического океана"
104 стр. Издательство "Наука", Москва, 1984 г. |
S.A. Silantyev
"Metamorphic Rocks of the Atlantic Seafloor"
in: International Geology Reveiw 1985, Vol.27, No.8, pp. 881-963
Geological Framework of the Levant. Volume 1: Cyprus and Syria
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